Bionatrol Keto Burn : Super Effective Tips To Lose Belly Fat

The tip, therefore, is to opt for whole Bionatrol Keto Burn grain bread and pasta, and only consume cake made with whole flour and very little sugar.

Spicy Foods and Sauces

That burning sensation in the stomach that Bionatrol Keto Burn Weight loss many people feel right after eating pepper is due to the irritation of the stomach wall caused by capsaicin, the compound that gives the plant a spicy flavor.


The same symptom can still occur Bionatrol Keto Burn diet Plan with the consumption of mustard (which contains vinegar) and strong sauces such as ketchup, shoyu and tabasco, which contain sugar and fat among their main ingredients.


Present in coffee, some types of tea (such as black and green) and fat-burning supplements, caffeine irritates the Bionatrol Keto Burn Shark tank stomach lining and may even damage it in the event of high and prolonged consumption.

Soft drinks

The same irritating effect of caffeine can also be caused by sodas, as the gas in these drinks leads to an increase in gastrin secretion, a hormone that in turn stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid.


Excessive alcohol consumption is a major cause of gastritis, and drinking should be avoided completely in a diet Bionatrol Keto Burn Weight loss Tips palnfor those with gastritis. Alcohol irritates the mucosa, and the result is similar to what happens when we put alcohol on a wound (it burns and hurts even more).

Fruits and vegetables

Most vegetables, fruits and vegetables Bionatrol Keto Burn Diet Tips are well tolerated by those with gastritis, except for onion, garlic and, for some people, tomatoes.

Dairy Products

All dairy products contain calcium, a Bionatrol Keto Burn fitnessmineral that alkalizes the stomach and forces the organ to produce more gastric acid to counteract this effect.

Therefore, in a diet for gastritis, the consumption of milk, cheese and other dairy products should be avoided as much as possible.

Foods That Help Alleviate Gastritis Symptoms

These foods must be part of a diet Bionatrol Keto Burn Reviews for gastritis, as they can help relieve symptoms and bring many health benefits. Checkout:

 Butter sprouts

Cabbage is one of the best foods for gastritis, as it has healing action and acts on the regeneration of the stomach Visit Our Website Page mucosa. Kale also contains carotenoids and bioflavonoids that fight inflammation and can help prevent cancer.